Recover your sexual performance, muscle weight, energy and mood that you have lost over the years

At Regen Group we help you to recover your physical and mental capacities and to reach your fullness with non-invasive and highly effective procedures.

A large number of men, over the years and without realizing it, lose energy, muscle mass, hair and even their sexual capacity. At Regen Group, based on examinations and a diagnosis of your physical, mental and emotional state, we design a treatment based on your diagnosis.

Low testosterone replacement therapy, also referred to as TRT, is a medical treatment that uses subcutaneous pellet implants, injections or creams to restore the natural hormone balance, patches or topical gels to restore the natural hormone balance and to boost levels of testosterone in men with low T levels. TRT is used to treat a wide range of symptoms that include low energy levels, depression, changes in body fat and muscle mass, loss of body hair or facial hair and other side effects of low T levels.

Our great objective: that you achieve the physical, emotional and mental flatness that you have lost over the years.

Low Testosterone

It is estimated that 40 million men have low testosterone. Low testosterone is an epidemic and is attributed to erectile dysfunction, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic diseases, insulin resistance, obesity, and muscle wasting. Low testosterone is also implicated in anxiety disorder, depression, and apathy.

Hypogonadism, or low testosterone (low-T), is characterized by symptoms such as:

  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Low libido
  • Brain fog
  • Reduced bone density
  • Poor recovery
  • Chronic fatigue


Most men have a natural decline of testosterone by 1-2% every year after the age of 30. It is estimated that more than 40 million men in the US have low testosterone, but are unaware of their condition.

Traditional medicine is a longer, more expensive and less effective path than our holistic method, in which we take care not only of your physical well-being, but also of your mental and emotional well-being.

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